Having a website is an essential business tool to have, because every day business uses there site differently. Some use their site to generate instant revenue through e-commerce sales, and others use it to create leads, phones calls and physical locations visits. Every business wants to have leverage to create more growth.
There are many different ways that you can increase your leads, and sales without having to redesign and rebuild. These next tips are simple, and they can help your business grow significantly.
1. Performing A Conversion
Are you sure your website has been designed to convert traffic? Many web design companies are great at creating these very appealing websites, but they aren’t conversion experts.
If your able to identify problems and correct the changes prior to launching the marketing campaign you can reduce the wasted advertising that is spent and give you a stronger base to start with.
2. Start Call Tracking
If your business is using multiple traffic sources to generate phone calls it’s a great idea to start sending each source to dedicate a landing page that is featuring unique phone numbers. By using a call tracking you will be able to see what sources produce more phone calls. With most call tracking services they do record all calls and this is a great way to determine whether lead quality or your sales staff needs to be addressed.
3. Identify Where Users Click And Scroll Too
Once you know where your visitors are and aren’t clicking it will help you to reposition your offers from the dead zones to areas that are attracting those clicks. There is a heat map tool that will not only show you where the clicks are coming from but also what traffic and referral sources that is producing them. The tool can also show you how far down your pages that your visitors are scrolling too. Example, if they only scroll half way down or if they scroll to the very bottom. Then you can determine what content is located where and why your page isn’t being fully viewed.
4. Installing A Live Chat
Many business owners assume that live chat is good for websites that are generating commerce sales. This is correct, answering pre-purchase questions that can help you save sales and chat operators that can push consumers toward the sale. Remember every website can benefit from having this simple tool.
5. Using A Pop Up Offer Before They Leave The Site
When you drive traffic to your website, it’s not cheap. Even when you aren’t running your pay-per-click traffic and paying for every person that visits your site, by using time and effort that the SEO/social media requires this creates a monetary value for everyone.
Many users that leave your site, will never return, so why not use those opportunities to try and convert them? Try using some popup exit offers these will do a great job at increasing those conversion rates you have needed. When using this exit capture, it can improve your overall return on investments.
For more information about how to generate more leads and sales contact Windy City Web Designs.