When starting a business, you must create a product that you want to sell to your ideal customer. Writing down and drawing out ideas should give you a plethora of techniques to pick from. Should be at low cost and use different ones for different parts of your business. Here are a few techniques you should look into doing for your business.
1. Creating Flyers
This is a form of cheap advertising. Once you find an area you want to do your business you can start to hand out flyers, and also put them in mailboxes that are in your area. The information you put on your flyers should be, brief and to the point. Highlighting the services you offer, and provide your contact information. Also if you include a free offer, coupon or a discount, that can draw more customers to you.
2. Visible Posters
Most places offer free bulletin board space for advertisements. Make your posters visible and removable tabs for when customers come to your business. They can present that tab for a discount. If you have multiple locations create each one a different color, so your able to tell which spot is getting more leads. When getting that idea, you can then promote more ads in the paper, flyers, and more posters in that area.
3. Rewards Offered
Offering reward points, discounts for repeat customers and referrals rewards. This is a powerful selling point for any product or service. You want to increase your customer satisfaction levels and widening the gap between you and other competition, grab their attention and make sure you highlight the values of your product.
4. Having Business Referrals
This is a business-to-business referral, and if you find yourself saying, “I’m sorry we don’t have or sell that item, but the other (name of your business and give location it’s at) does.” Make certain that you also get referrals back from the same place. This network is much stronger when dealing with white-collar professions. Lawyers refer people to accountants, and financial planners refer people to a real estate agent. When you give business referrals to others business it creates a good network and you’ll get referrals in return.
5. Follow Up With Customers
When customers check out, and before you hand them their receipt talk about the survey opportunity they have to rate your business, and to give feed back. Offer a chance for them to win a gift card to your business, or a discount of some sort. Giving them the chance to give back how the quality of the store looked, how organized it was, the customer sanctification to getting help that they needed. Businesses now a days really do read what others have to say about their business, because if something is wrong or negative they fix the problem so it doesn’t happen again. For example, working at a retail store TJ Maxx, if a customer goes to try on clothing and when they come out they give the store a really great rating on how clean the dressing rooms look, or how big it got and they like it, the associates can refer them to fill out a survey on your website and they could have the chance to earn some money, and it only takes 3 minutes to do so.
For more information about how to advertise your business contact Windy City Web Designs.